
Help us out with improving the progress bar!

The Academic Captains are working on improving the progress bar, the way which junior students receive and view their grades. A number of students have voiced concerns about inconsistencies with grading, as well not properly receiving justification for their marks. If you want to give us feedback about your experience with the progress bar, click this link. 

Workday COmmittee Update!

The workday committee is a group of students on the student leadership team that represent each captaincy: Sports, Arts, Service, Academics, Pasifika, Te Waka Rangatahi, Haoura, as well as the head student team. They decide how the money raised by students on workday should be spent to best benefit the school and community. Students and teachers can give ideas for how the money should be spent, and can also submit requests for funding. 


This website has study resources for all year and NCEA levels for most subjects, set up by your Academic Council. Have a browse! 

Resources are arranged by subjects, and then by year level on the headers. Many of the resources on Google Drives need you to be signed in to your school account. Good luck for your assessments! 

If you have any feedback for the site, fill out this Feedback Form. This site is a work in progress, so unfortunately we won't have resources for every subject at every year level. If you've got resources you think would be helpful for us to have, send them through here. 

We have more resources on this Google Drive that you might not find on this site.


Science | Pūtaiao

Maths | Pāngarau

English |  Te Reo Pākehā

Social Sciences | Tikanga-ā-iwi 

Languages | Ngā Reo

Health | Hauora


NCEA and Scholarship Exam Timetable 2024

End-of-year exams are 3 hours for each subject and are either in the morning (9:30am-12:30pm) or the afternoon (2:00pm to 5:00pm). Make sure you know when your exams are well before they start! More information will come out closer to exam time, you will get important pieces of paper from your teacher in Term 4!

The 2024 End of year examination timetable for NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship will run from Tuesday 5 November until Friday 29 November.

Link here! 

Kāpiti College courses and options (Website)

This site on the student portal explains the course options and course progressions at Kāpiti College, and gives  information for NCEA and Scholarship.

Kāpiti College Careers Department (Website)

If you're applying for scholarships, confused about university, or don't know what you want to do in life, visit the Careers website! 

Kāpiti College Library (Website and e-Library)

Books, books, books! Our library and e-library has them! 

Kāpiti College Staff List (Directory)

Don't know who "TC" or "WS" is on your timetable? Look them up on the Kāpiti College staff list! 

isaac wall is our supreme leader and mark is a jealous fraud